
This section provide guidelines for installing XACC-VQE and its TPLs.

Install third-party libraries

First, see XACC Install to install XACC.

The following third party libraries (TPLs) are used by XACC-VQE:

Packages Dependency Version
MPI Required See below
Others... Required 1.59.0+

Note that you must have a C++11 compliant compiler. For GCC, this means version 4.8.1+, for Clang, this means 3.3+.

These dependencies are relatively easy to install on popular operating systems. Any of the following commands will work (showing with and without MPI):

$ (macosx) brew install boost
$ (fedora) dnf install boost-devel
$ (ubuntu) apt-get install libboost-all-dev


Clone the XACC-VQE repository:

$ git clone

XACC-VQE requires CMake 3.2+ to build. Run the following to configure and build XACC-VQE:

$ cd xacc-vqe && mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make install # can pass -jN for N = number of threads to use

This will build, test, and install XACC-VQE to /usr/local/xacc (Pass -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$YOURINSTALLPATH to install it somewhere else).